
QPrEPd Study Closure

A decision has been made by the Queensland Department of Health to close the QPrEPd trial by 31st January 2019.  This decision to close the trial earlier than the initial end date of 30 June 2020 was made for the following reasons:

Information collected from you and the trial site staff to date has demonstrated that the trial has addressed the original study aim and purpose listed in the Participant Information and Consent Form (PICF) given to you on enrolment: The provision of PrEP though public sexual health services and general practices is a feasible, safe, effective and accepted model within Queensland.

The listing of HIV PrEP medications on the PBS in April 2018 now allows any doctor / general practitioner to prescribe the medication approved by the Therapeutic Goods Authority (TGA)          for use as PrEP in Australia.

What does this decision to end the trial earlier mean for you? 

You will need to be seen by your trial site doctor or nursing staff for your final visit by Friday 16th November 2018 and be off all trial medications by 30 November 2018.

At this final visit you will:

  • Have a final STI screen, renal function test and be transitioned off the trial.
  • Be asked to complete the final on-line exit survey.
  • Be provided with an opportunity to discuss your options for remaining on PrEP and how to safely stop taking PrEP if you choose to do so.

Please contact your trial site to arrange your final visit.




QPrEPd Reports

QPrEPd Monitoring and Evaluation Annual Report No.1 2017

QPrEPd Monitoring and Evaluation Annual Report 2019